Simple ways to add more vitamins to your daily meals

Simple ways to add more vitamins to your daily meals

The diet that you have right now is the one that's going to help you to either maintain or not maintain the vitamins and minerals that your body needs. With the help of a well balanced diet, you can ensure that you get all the nutrients required so that your body can function effectively. It's not always easy to keep track of the food items that you eat throughout the day, and macros such as proteins, carbohydrates, fat and vitamins need to be considered. What are prebiotics and probiotics? What are healthy foods and what are not? Foods and supplements that are often in the health section are not cheap and they often come with higher price tags. Maintaining your health and your well being can seem time consuming and expensive, but it does get easier. With this in mind, here are some tips to add some more minerals and vitamins to your daily meals with ease.

  • Add olives. You might reach for the salt whenever you have a meal, but have you considered adding to your salad with olives? Salt can bring about too many fluctuations in your blood pressure levels and it can also affect your kidneys. It's always better to substitute it with olives because these have a high sodium content but give you a lot of nutrients in your dishes. Olives are known for their sources of antioxidant compounds, and you can choose from a range of different varieties which will help your health.
  • Work protein powder into your day. A rich source of protein is great for your hair, skin and nails and it's a popular option for supporting your weight loss journey. Adding a scoop of protein powder into your daily oats and any drinks you have can really help you to keep that protein going through the day and restore those lean muscle tissues even after a workout. Protein powders come in a range of flavors and you'll be able to add them to anything from smoothies to soups.
  • Consider your veg intake. One of the best things about vegetables is that they can be consumed in a variety of ways. You can puree them down into soups and sauces, you can eat them frozen or from steam, and you can even eat them crunchy and fresh. If you want to add more antioxidants and vitamins into your diet, pureeing down your vegetables and adding them to sources is the fastest way to do it. You may not eat half a pumpkin at any time, but you might eat half a pumpkin if it's been pureed.
  • Swap your pasta. Pasta is delicious and we all know that, but swapping it for a healthy chickpea pasta or protein pasta is one of the best things that you can do to keep enjoying the delicious dishes but getting more fiber, nutrients and vitamin B6. From lasagna to penne noodles, there are plenty of options for variation that will allow you to have more minerals and nutrients in your diet.
  • Don't forget your greens. Dark leafy greens through both your shakes, smoothies and your recipes for your dinner will help you to gain more fiber and more iron. Kale or spinach are rich in vitamin B12 which can produce blood cells and DNA synthesis. Heart healthy greens are also able to help you to gain better vitamin intake from C, E, K, calcium and iron.
  • Go nuts. A handful of nuts are more than enough to provide the nutritional benefits to your regular diet that you've been seeking. Add them to salads and pastas, or grind them down and sprinkle them on top of Curry. Every night is excellent, but pistachios have a true base for vitamins and minerals that you need. All nuts also provide excellent healthy fat content which your body needs to survive.
  • Look in your spice cabinet. Cinnamon is one of the most popular anti inflammatories and regular consumption of cinnamon can reduce your blood sugar levels. When you use cinnamon instead of regular sugar, you are going to be able to sweeten your meals and eat delicious food without having too much sugar.

It doesn't take much to add extra vitamins and minerals into your diet. Do some research on the vitamins that you need and have a blood test done by your primary health care physicians so that they can decide whether you need specific vitamins compared to others.



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