Introducing Giggle: an exclusive all girls social networking app

Introducing Giggle: an exclusive all girls social networking app

Giggle is all about connecting girls for a purpose. A unique safe and secure all-girls social networking app that brings together a group of girls with similar interests. I spoke with founder Sall Grover all about what we can expect from the soon to launch app, the key features and benefits, what inspired Sall to create this amazing new space for women and what empowerment means to her!

Hi Sall, welcome to TDP and thank you for sharing your ah-mazing new app with us! I'm super excited to find out all about Giggle, the purpose and mission and how it will benefit girls of all ages across the globe...

First up, can you tell me all about Giggle?
Giggle is the collective noun for a group of girls and the platform is that in app form. It is a place where girls can go to form private groups of 2-6 girls for work, roommates, travel, mentoring and networking, emotional support and much, much more. There is no crazy personal information required to use Giggle. It is free to use – there are a few premium upgrades if you need them. Giggle exists for every girl, no matter what her age. Giggle also doesn’t take any fees – if you make money from freelance work, every cent of it is yours to keep.

What is Giggles resounding purpose and mission?
To connect girls for whatever purpose they choice. To give gives choice, consent, connection and conversation in their lives.

Can you give us the scoop on the categories?
The categories are the “purposes”. Whether you have a room to rent, or need a room, need accommodation while travelling or freelance work. Giggle’s “soul” categories focus on different support needs like bullying, emotional health, parenting or abortion. We also have activism for girls who are looking to get more involved in causes. They are able to take control and lead the way on Giggle Activism.

What are some of the key features and benefits of Giggle?

  • Gender verification while on boarding. It’s just a simple selfie and you’re on your way!
  • No sharing or popularity contests. Privacy is key!
  • Talking to girls in a way that you feel comfortable.
  • You don’t need to feel pressure to meet up in the real world. There is a benefit of having connections all around the world that exist in your phone and are there for you when you need them

Sall, what inspired you to start Giggle and sparked your passion to create this unique social networking platform?
It was a collection of experiences – I was so isolated in Hollywood, where Me Too situations were happening all too regularly, then I moved to New York to escape it and lived with three absolutely amazing girls who reminded me of how much better life is when girls are in it. I then went back to Australia and a conversation with my mum about how all girls should experience the joy I had in NYC became the first day of the Giggle idea.

We would love to know more about giggle gift...
Giggle gift is a daily offer to support a girl owned business and a girl orientated charity, while giving yourself a little gift. Whether it’s a pair of earrings or some fun beauty products, you get something while 15% of the sale price goes to help girls who need it all around the world.

What does empowerment mean to you as a modern woman?
I think this is tricky – the idea of empowerment conjures up images of strength that aren’t always there. You’re not less of a girl, or person, if you’re not always feeling strong or traditionally empowered. Empowerment can also come from acknowledging that you’re feeling weak and that you need a support network.

How do you think the landscape for career women and women in business is changing?
I don’t think it is. There is a case to be made that it is getting worse, as men in power aren’t wanting to hire girls in a post Me Too world, as the fear of our reactions to horrible behaviour is trumping – pun intended - the actual horrible behaviour of some of the very bad men. It’s why I included “networking”, “mentoring” and “freelance gigs” on giggle so that girls can group together and achieve their professional goals without fear.

"I believe all girls are empowered in their own way and that when they group together, anything is possible."

What is your favourite “famous Giggle”, “Shero” and why?
I have to go through a timeline here – The Babysitters Club books inspired me when I was young, made me a lover of words and having girl friends who encouraged and supported you. Then, of course, Sex And The City was a big part of my journey in to adulthood. But I can also list Destiny’s Child, The First Wives Club, The Real Housewives, the women on the Supreme Court and “The Squad”.

My favorite Shero of all time is Eleanor Roosevelt – in part for totally narcissistic reasons. She was born on the 11th of October, 1884 and I was born on the 11th of October 1984. So that made me pay attention to her from an early age, focus on her words and seek out information on amazing girls throughout history. I also love Dorothy Parker, the only girl at the Algonquin Round Table.

When/how do you feel most empowered?
Whenever I’m “allowed” to have an opinion.

Thank you Sall for giving TDP the inside scoop on Giggle! To sign up to be one of the FIRST girls on giggle, it's SUPER easy:

1. To go to the website - www.joingagiggle and sign up to be the first girls on giggle!
2. Go to @joinagiggle on Insta for updates and daily info on giggle!

Hayley xo

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