Are you a busy business owner or entrepreneur trying to do it all? Do you sometimes just wish there were more of you or simply more time to get it all done?
Running and growing a business is A LOT of hard work. Trying to pack everything into an already filled day of to-do lists and tasks can be stressful and overwhelming. Sometimes it just seems like there aren’t enough hours in the day to achieve it all. Am I right?That’s when outsourcing can be super beneficial. Hiring a Virtual Assistant allows you to subcontract some of the time-consuming tasks that end up being pushed aside, so you can focus on what’s most important… your business!
And the good news is, there are VA’s for almost everything. Whether it is basic admin, inbox management and customer liaison or copy writing, social media assistance and tech support, there is someone who can help. Seriously, you can find an expert in almost every industry or niche to make your life that little bit easier.
Here are just a few ways hiring a VA could help you and your business to thrive!
1. Let A Professional Take Care of It Sometimes it’s hard to hand over the reins to even a small portion of your business. It’s your baby. Your pride and joy. All your hard work and passion rolled up in a neat little package. But often, the best thing you can do for you biz is outsource to someone in the know. You can’t be expected to know everything and trying to learn it all from scratch, is just time you don’t have. By contracting the help of a professional, you can be confident that the job is going to get done and it’s going to get done well. There are certain things that are better left to an expert. Rather than doing a mediocre job yourself.
2. Gain Back Time Time is the most precious resource you have! ESPECIALLY as a business owner trying to juggle all the balls. So how good would it be to have more of it to focus on growing your business, do the things you enjoy and maybe even have some time off every now and then? By passing the baton on those time-draining tasks and projects, you are literally gaining hours back in your schedule. And that is time you can use to work on more important things or take a load off (for once). Umm, yes please!
3. Focus On What You Enjoy We all a little guilty of ignoring certain things on our to-do lists and pushing the things we don’t like doing to bottom of the pile. Hate spending hours chasing up invoices and responding to emails? Dread having to post on social media? Break out in a stress-rash when you have to deal with anything IT? Well, here’s a crazy idea, get someone else to do it instead! For all the things you loathe doing, there is a VA who actually freakn’ loves it! So stop wasting your precious time and energy working on something you hate, when you could get it done by someone else.
4. Reduce Costs As a business owner, hiring staff isn’t always viable. Having employees comes with a lot of extra costs like superannuation, sick pay, annual leave, insurance and the list goes on. When you engage the services of a VA it works in the same way as hiring a contractor. Most VA’s charge per task or on an hourly basis. Not only does this allow you to only enlist their help on a need-to-need basis, but it also reduces ongoing costs that come with having permanent staff.

Gain back time to do what you love and maintain a healthy work-life balance!
So if you are busy business owner struggling to do it all and often become overwhelmed with your endless list of tasks, engaging a VA may just be the very thing you need. They are a cost-effective way to get things done, reduce stress and gain back time.
About TDP's Guest Contributor.... Eloise is a Perth-based Virtual assistant specialising in Social Media Management, Content Creation, Copy Writing and Proof Reading/Editing. She is passionate about working with women in business and female small business owners within the health, wellness and beauty industries. Eloise is a self-confessed #crazydogmum to two golden retrievers and a lover of the beach. She loves nothing more than helping fellow business owners gain back time to do what they love and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Thank you Eloise for your insight on how a VA can help busy business owners and entrepreneurs! To connect with Eloise and discover how your business can benefit visit eloisemithva.com and check out Instagram.