If you feel low on energy right now, you’re not alone. The world is currently going through all sorts of challenges and changes that are having an effect on our collective psychology. It’s estimated that around half of the adult population regularly feel exhausted, just living their daily lives. But what’s causing all this? How are our bodies unable to cope, even though today we have more comfort than at any other time in history? Let's dive in.
The right amount of sleep
The obvious first answer to this question is that you’re not giving your body enough quality sleep. You’re anxious in the evenings and unable to drift off, or you’re getting up super early in the mornings because you need extra time to get on with your day. How much sleep you need is a very personal matter – everyone’s different. But, ideally, you want to provide enough time for your body to recuperate every night. For some, that means sleeping six hours, for others it means sleeping ten. Just give your body space and it’ll tell you how much it needs.
Lacking something nutrition wise
Another common reason for exhaustion is nutrient deficiency. Perhaps your nutrition is lacking something which mean that we’re not always getting what we need to thrive. Common nutrient deficiencies on Western diets include:
- Zinc
- B12
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin D
- Folate
- Niacin
- Magnesium
Remember, if you don’t have enough folate or vitamin B12 in your diet, you’ll start to experience the symptoms of anemia, even if you’re eating a large quantity or iron. The best way to deal with this issue is to first Remember, if you don’t have enough folate or vitamin B12 in your diet, you’ll start to experience the symptoms of anemia, even if you’re eating a large quantity or iron. The best way to deal with this issue is to first Remember, if you don’t have enough folate or vitamin B12 in your diet, you’ll start to experience the symptoms of anemia, even if you’re eating a large quantity or iron. The best way to deal with this issue is to first consult a medical professional to discuss the issue and get their expert advice. They can recommend if supplements like a multivitamin may help and also look at your nutrition and see which nutrients you’re low on.
Too much caffeine?
We tend to forget that caffeine can have a compound effect that can have a profound effect on your body and mind if not consumed at reasonable levels. While it can make you feel energized in the short-term, the long run effects of all that caffeine in your system can be problematic. For instance, it can reduce the quality of your sleep or provoke you into consuming high-sugar foods for the energy they provide. It can also make you feel more jittery throughout the day which, again, can lower your energy levels. Moderation is key - enjoy your morning coffee and afternoon tea break but keep it at a reasonable level.
Nurturing your Mindset
If you pay close attention to your body, you’ll notice that when you have negative thoughts, you feel more tired. Being in a state of fear, depression or anxiety can generate exhaustion. This is where a holistic health coach may help. They will often go beyond just diet and exercise. They’ll also talk to you about your mindset, and practices and tools to work through the things you are feeling that may help create a more positive mindset and provide assistance to work through challenges.
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